Saturday, August 29, 2009


When I first watched the podcast about SmartBoard, the first thing that came to my mind was confusion. It was sort of boring to listen to the two guys speak. I thought it was an interesting tool that can be utilize in the classroom for interaction between kids, however, most of my feed was blurry. All I did was pretty much listen to the guys speak. I somehow did manage to grab the concept of the style of teaching.

Ok, so I started to wonder what the professor wanted me to write about, so I figured he wanted an explanation of how podcasts were done? For me, I am definitely not a technology guru! I began by using one of my favorite tools, "GOOGLE". Go me! Found out that: "a podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that is released episodically and downloaded through web syndication". Now I need a translator.... :-)

I listened to the KidCast speaker. What I got from this is that kids should interact more with podcasting. If kids get more familiar with learning these new tools, this would benefit them in the near future. I want to say that this sounded like a streamed audio. After listening to EdTechtalk, I found it to be some kind of feed that sounded to be on the radio. I really seemed like a talk show on a radio station. There was a background echo that was able to recognize. Not too sure as to what exactly this conversation is feeding through. The guys on MacBreak spoke about spyke. I'm not too familiar with this term. What did I do? I googled it and found the definition: "Skype (pronounced /ˈskaɪp/) is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet" I found this series to be a little boring, they spoke about technology in a profound way.

"This Weed in Photography" is a some sort of talk show showcasing different digital cameras. They speak about the different lens, and techniques for the camera. It teaches the Photographer unique skills with the camera. This feed was extremely clear as far as voice. The were laughing a lot, but it didn't seem to be funny to me. Lastly, I listened to Teachers Teaching Teacher. On this show, there were experts speaking about google docs and such. The explained certain things about templates. The would then go into great detail about GOOGLE. This Podcast experience was very new to me. It shows how outdated I am when it comes to technology. This was definitely an eye opener to me and I look forward to learning more about technology in this class.

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