Sunday, September 13, 2009

"It's Not About the Technology"

I really enjoyed the post by Kelly Hines, "It's Not About the Technology". I thought that Mrs. Hines made some good points but I do have to disagree with it not being about the technology. Our society is changing daily and it's becoming more and more about the technology. As I mentioned in previous post to my blog, one must have at least basic computer skills in order for an employer to even consider interviewing the individual. I absolutely agree that teacher must be learners. Teachers have to understand if they want students to learn, they too must be willing to learn. Part of being a teacher has a cycle of never ending learning. If someone's seeking a teaching degree and does not like learning, they might as well change careers.

Overall, I enjoyed Mrs. Hines point of view. I understand that she didn't jump on the band wagon like every one else agreeing that technology is our future. I do believe that technology can sometimes take away from a child's own creativity and do the thinking for them. But I do also believe that young children are fast learners and teachers can benefit form their students by actually learning a few things about technology from them. In conclusion, I believe that teachers need to adapt to technology because it is our future. They do not need to base everything they do in the classroom around technology, however, what they do need to do is include it as part of the curriculum.

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