Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last Semester's Podcast

While viewing the podcast, I thought I to be a little on the boring side. There were 4 students and 1 professor that were sitting around a table with notes in front of them. The topic was about why should teachers be more tuned in with technology. The group basically went around the table and everyone gave their opinion about the topic. I thought this podcast to be very slow. I thought it was long and boring versus short and sweet.

More involvement with the audience would be more creative and interesting. Perhaps if some sort of charts were used and the students got out of their seats explaining the charts, this technique would grab someone's attention. My main goal in my podcast would be to keep my viewer awake. I would try to make it as interesting as possible, by using charts with examples of my topic, or something more involved instead of sitting around and speaking very slowly. Overall, this podcast was ok.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations Nicki. You are correct it is important to keep the attention of your viewers / listeners. I like your idea about using charts. Of course this could be expanded to using props. in general. You will get your chance to put your ideas in action soon as we will start preping our own podcasts this week. SS
