Sunday, September 27, 2009

WIRED story

After reading the Wired story and also listening to the NPR podcast, I'm not sure if Wikipedia can be trusted at all. This is shocking to me that any ting can be edited on Wikipedia and companies are doing just that. I really believe that Wikipedia will never be able to be a reliable source unless it can't be edited. Wikipedia is not something I often use but I do reference to it when I'm needing to find information on certain topics. Now that I learned this breaking news about Wikipedia, I probably wouldn't be using it without questioning if the entries are true facts.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. When I was at a community college, my teachers always stressed the point that the class could not use wikipedia for a source, now I understand why. Wikipedia is not a reliable source and I think they should just delete the whole program because it may be users who do not know that the information they are looking up is not reliable.
