I will truly miss my class EDM 310. The professor Mr. Sullivan was great, the students were great and most of all, LEARNING WAS FUN! When I think of a computer class, I think of learning about microsoft, excel, power point and how to type. This class was not what I anticipated but in a good way. I really enjoyed this class. At some point, I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it but I held my head up and just came pushing through. It is almost to the end and I miss everyone already. GOOD BYE Y'ALL, UNTIL NEXT TIME!
I must admit, before signing up for EDM 310, I really thought to myself I had enough computer skills to get by. Boy, was I WRONG! As I turned the pages of my Blog Topic Part 1 sheets, an overwhelming feeling came over me. This was a new awakening for me. At that moment, I made the decision that if I continue to pursue my degree in teaching the kids of our FUTURE, I too must have an open mind when it comes to learning new things. At that moment, I realized that I needed to becomemoreTECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE in order to be successful teacher in the future.
After just a few short weeks in class, I learned how to: CREATE A BLOG, post to my blog, add links and images to my blog and many more interesting aspects of my blog. I also learned how to effectively use POD CAST, how to TWEET my day away on TWITTER, how to socialize through SKY PE, how to useYOUTUBE for educational purposes and most of all, HOW TO BE MORE TECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE, by FORCE! :-)
By maintaining an open mind through the semester, I learned that Google can be used for more than just looking up different topics to learn about. With the guidance of a very helpful teacher, I learned how to create a presentation "ALL ABOUT ME" with GOOGLE DOCS, which I displayed still images of different topics I shared with my class. This assignment can definitely be an ICE BREAKER in the classroom. (click here to view ALL ABOUT ME) Students are able to share something personal about themselves and their families. The still images can be helpful to the viewers for a better understanding of what the speaker is describing.
Another way I use still pictures is on my BLOG TOPICS. I added a still picture pertaining to the topic or simply, my feelings toward the topic. The images added a little more spice to the blog vs. text only. (click on the link to my BLOG)
Lastly, I recently learned that GOOGLE EARTH, is one of the most unique and interesting sites to view images. Google Earth allows the viewer to EXPLORE the Moon, take a virtual tour of Mars in 3D, View Historical Imagery, Explore the Ocean, you could even Record your tour, Check out the World in 3D, Explore the sky, Find local business, and would you believe? You can even FLY TO ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD. Google Earth can be a great way for your students to interact with each other, and even interact with the world. Google Earth is a fun tool with a learning capability unlimited to the viewer. It is a fun way for just about anyone of all ages to explore their curiosity! (click here to view GOOGLE EARTH
I honestly can't think of anything else I wanted to learn about that wasn't covered in the classroom. We learned a substantial amount of new technology which I plan to increase my skills on. Delicious is one program that really didn't capture my attention. I think it's because we didn't have much time to go over it but I do plan to someday look further into it. This class at times excited me and at other times my attitude was, "I did it", as in I am up to date with my post and nothing else is due as the moment. I am definitely happy that I was able to learn new technology and then apply them. This class allowed us to work in groups to create project which were then presented to the class. I found most everything in this class to be intellectually challenging to me. I think this was a good thing because this meant I had to work hard to grasp the concept with what was going on and because of this, it would probably stay with me longer because I had to work for it. There was NEVER a moment where I could remember being bored in this class. There was always something to do and the time went by extremely fast. I would change this course in the sense to have more work done in the classroom vs. at home. It seems as if we briefly learned about something in the classroom and then had to spend a substantial amount of time at home to complete our blogs. I would say that I a Technologically Literate to the extent that I will definitely continue building on the skills I gained from this class. I plan to use technology in my daily life and I also plan to further my technological ability.
Seven Stupid Mistakes: After reading this list, the two I enjoyed the most were, 1. Treating a school computer like a home computer and 2. Thinking technology in schools will go away.
Treating a school computer like a home computer is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard. Why would you risk your job by taking care of personal business on school equipment? Haven't you ever heard of wait until you go home? I thought this was actually funny when I read that someone would run their business and edit videos from a weeding on a school computer. If you are someone that thinks technology in schools will go away, then you must be someone that just came out of hibernation for centuries or maybe you've been hiding under a rock for sometime. I truly believe technology is our future whether we like it or not, we have to accept what comes with it. Technology is being incorporated more into the classroom every day and children enjoy learning from a computer screen and hands on instruction.
Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology: The two I enjoyed were: 1. Empower Kids with Technology and 2. Put kids in touch with the world.
I believe that all teachers should empower kids with technology. As proven, the more we practice something, the better we become at that skill. Technology is advancing on a daily basis and as a teacher, we need to keep up with learning and teaching the new advances that technology brings. We as teachers should be willing to help our kids of the future become better at everything they do. Putting kids in touch with the world is very unique in the sense that you could visit another country by just sitting in front of your computer. This type of activity keeps kids entertained and also helps them learn about other cultures.
New Classroom Rules: The two I enjoyed the most are 1. Use polite speech when speaking, blogging, texting, Twittering, instant messaging, etc. 2. Know what you are supposed to be learning, why, and what you will do with the knowledge.
I thought my first pick is extremely funny. In reality, blogging, texting, twittering, and instant messaging is the new way of communicating. It is very rare for someone to write a letter or simply pick up the phone and call someone. My second pick is really important to me. I think it's crucial for students to understand what they are learning and why they are learning it. A lot of times, students use the line, "why do I need to know this, I would NEVER use it." I believe it's important for teachers to explain the benefits behind learning something new.
I really enjoyed At The Teachers Desk blog. As I first opened it, I noticed that there were a lot of information to look at. This excited me for the fact that I could pick the ones that were interesting to me. I liked the very first video: The Fundred Project. I thought this was a great idea for bringing awareness to the lead-contaminated areas in the U.S. This project was unique by allowing the students of our regular classrooms to get involved in doing a good deed with essentially saving lives. Another interesting topic I saw was: Pencils and Crayons to be Banned in Schools. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought to myself, "pencils and crayons banned!" who in the world came up with this nonsense. I understand that kids are being careless with the pencils by writing notes to each other and poking each other but what would we be doing to our kids if pencils and crayons were banned. Using pencils allows our children to express thier creativity and it also teaches them fine motor skills. Who is to say that proper writing skills will no longer be important? No one can make that decision, this is something that has to play out on its own. This blog is very creative in my opinion. I learned a lot of how other people think when it comes to certain topics in school or in the classroom.
After watching this long and not so interesting video, I realized that as an individual, I'm not as computer friendly as I thought I was. Mr. Wesch made a lot of points such as "when media changes, our conversation changes." I thought this to be very true. As a regular person, I use just a few social networks such as talking to friends on face book, using my email account at hot mail.com, and of course a cell phone, and computer. This is nothing compared to what I've experienced after returning to college. Students rarely ever communicate verbally or face to face. Every one carries an electronic device with them and is always preoccupied using it. Our society has definitely changed when it comes to technology. Kids that used to ask for books for Christmas now ask for top of the line computer devices. As a pursuing teacher, I plan to continue learning about the different technologies as they come about. I probably never be able to master each and every one of them but as long as I know a little about each one, I believe I'll be ok.
As our kids grow older, it is extremely important for them to understand that everything they do matters to someone. I think it's great for children to have an opportunity to look back at work that they have done in the past and it is also important for other people to view work children have accomplished and also to give feedback on it. The following is a link that show a kindergarten class choir performing to Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide.(http://is.gd/3WVnq) This performance by the class was very touching to me. It showed grace in the children's feelings during the song. After the video was made, the kids were invited to perform on stage because the artist was touched by how amazing the children were.
It is never to young to begin learning about technology. The following link is about a very young girl by the name of Kaia who began being taught about technology at a very young age by her dad. (http://isgd/3WSsn) Kaia's dad created a blog for her and picks her mind of her imagination about everyday life growing up. He explains to her what he's doing whenever he add posts to her blog. In this video with Kaia, she takes pictures of nature and describes each and every picture for her dad to post to her blog. I really enjoyed this because I know for a fact that many people have viewed and continue to view Kaia's blog posts and are also commenting on it and one day Kaia will look back and feel very proud of her accomplishments.
Lastly is a link to a class in New Zealand called McClung's class. (http://jkmcclung.edublogs.org/) This is a class blog where the kids display their work and the results of it. It shows class projects that the class is involved in and what they are doing in order to be more creative. This blog is available to be viewed by anyone and is also available for comments to the kids. The kids are able to view the comments for feedback. The kids look forward to the feedback from viewers each and every Friday and is always willing and ready to make improvements to the blog. I think this is very important to the children becasue it allows them to improve and get better at what they are doing. If their blog wasn't available for viewing, they would never be able to find out what other people think about the blog. Children do need feedback and I think blogs are unique in a way that will keep entertainment in out children's learning.
It is absolutely amazing to actually see a member of the young generation experimenting with technology. In my previous posts, I mentioned that technology is our future, and this proves just that. Kaia is three years old and her father have already exposed and introduced her the the world of technology. This is a brilliant way of incorporating ideas into our young children's heads. This is an example of it's never too early or late for learning new things. The sooner we help our children adapt to technology, the more incline they will be in the future. I believe Kaia's dad is doing an excellent job with her! Keep up the great work.....
I mean really! Whoever thinks the internet is making us stupid really isn't thinking straight. I honestly believe the internet is our future and is a very valuable tool for our children of the future. Needless to say, some people do overuse it for some unnecessary purpose but besides that, the internet is not a bad thing after all. The internet enhances our children skills of the future with research within their fingertips. One could visit any part of the world and learn about the culture without leaving their house. Now isn't this amazing? The internet is a great tool that would probably get more popular as decades follow. I believe that if parents and teachers teach their kids how to use the internet effectively, there would be a great outcome for learning and not just playing.
New Media Literacies project has a great take on this short video. It basically states that technology is our future whether we accept it or not. The skills needed for our future is technically based from the new cell phone gadgets consumers has to learn to operate it to sophisticated programmed computers. The video mentioned the following skills such as judgement, negotiation, appropriation, play etc... are all needed for the interaction with different cultures and also to keep up with the pace of life.
As a soon to be educator, I will definitely challenge myself with technology. It is something that really isn't difficult to understand and adapt to, it just takes time and effort. I plan to help my students in the coming future understand technology and use it in an appropriate way for learning and exploring. Personally, I possess a few of the skills mentioned and plan to successfully adapt to the rest very soon. Listen folks! technology is our future, so deal with it! :-)
This video to me was a photocopy of what this class EDM 310 is about. Ms. Drexler explained that this class has no textbook and that the teacher hardly ever lectures. The teacher empowers the students to take control of their learning by visiting other blogs, posting comments on those blogs etc... This style of learning allow the student to build his own PLN (personal learning network) and to also create a data base. He can post and save to his bookmarks and also share information with people.
iTunes and Podcast was also mentioned as educational tools the student can explore to find information about different topics. The student can create a virtual textbook from prior information he researched. People are able to comment and post to his blog. At the end of the video, the question was posed why is a teacher needed? The teacher teaches the student how to build his network and to take advantage of learning opportunities. She offers guidance when he gets stuck. She shows him how to communicate properly and also helps him to organize mountains of information.
This is exactly what my EDM 310 class consist of. I believe that a teacher is definitely needed to be as of assistant to me when ever I'm stuck. I thought I knew a lot about technology before this class. What I've learned is that something new is invented everyday when it comes to technology and there is no possible way to learn how to effectively everything, but it's very important to at least familiarize myself with new technology. This class has been a lot of fun and I will try my best to continue learning about new technology.
First of all, I must say these videos were extremely BORING. Mr. Miller had a mono toned voice which made it very hard for me to pay attention to what he had to say. In the first video, he spoke about incremental change to media. Mr. Miller explained some facts on the way we write, the way we work and lots more. He explained the ways in which multimedia is incorporated into our teaching styles and also explained that print and visual is often used.
In part 2 of the video, Mr. Miller explained the fundamental change of multimedia. He stated that technology has materials that changes before our eyes. iTunes U was also mentioned in this video. Mr. Miller went on to saying that ideas belong to us as a culture. I'm really not sure what else I was able to learn from these videos other than it was very uninteresting to me. I found it to be very mono toned and unclear.
http://cit.duke.edu/pdf/reports/ipod_initiative_04_05.pdf I found a very interesting article or research perhaps on the use of iPods. This research is called Duke University iPod First Year Experience. The University conducted a research giving approximately 1600 iPods to freshman students and teachers. It focused on the academic use of the iPod by students and teachers.
In findings, the iPods were very helpful to students and teachers in many different ways. The research found that recording was the most widely used feature for academic purposes. Teachers and students were able to use iPods as a classroom recording tool, field recording tool, and study support tool. In conclusion, iPods has its up and downs however, it can be used successfully by teachers and students. I do plan to eventually purchase an iPod with video recording for educational purposes.
iTunes University is very unique in its own way. iTunes U offers users to listen view or listen about a topic on their computer and is also available for download for use with a mobile device. Content includes course lectures, lab demos, and campus tours that comes as audio and video files. The downloads are even free! iTunes U is always available to anyone, all you need to do is choose a category you're interested in and search it. One can use search to find what they are looking with they click of the mouse.
iTunes can be very helpful to me as a student and also a teacher. As a student, I can search under Open University which offers many different educational resources for download. I am able to research topics such as business and management, law, social studies, and even technology. iTunes U can be very educational if used properly. It's not only a great source of music, it's also great for exploring people's thoughts on different topics through Podcast, audio or video. I definitely plan to use iTunes U a lot more often.
Today, I explored Dr. Christie's site. I find it very amazing with the things she accomplished as a person and as an educator. After browsing, I decided to choose the research with Using Technology to Enhance Literacy in Elementary School Children. Dr. Christie decided to conduct a research with the following: A diverse mixture of elementary children, an average age group of 9 years, and grades ranging from second through fifth. Every student were given a computer to take home in order to keep in touch with each other from the study group. They were asked to send emails to each other and just to keep in touch with what they were doing over a period of time. After the research ended, Dr. Christie learned the following about the kids. They explored the internet, researched topics on what they were familiar with to learn more about it and they seemed very happy with with the experience.
As one of the students' wrote in one of his emails to his friend, "I went to NASA and found cool stuff on planets and the space shuttle." "Exploring the internet is fun because I could find anything I want to learn about." Dr. Christie noticed that the children used email extensively to express thanks to each other, to request for help, to share feelings with each other, to request and share information, and to of course converse with friends. Overall in my opinion, this research was very successful with enhancing technology in elementary children. They used the internet as a social and very much as an educational network for learning and exploring new things. I believe that this is one way for children to learn about new things without having to read thick books which soon bore them.
I really enjoyed Mr. McClung's blog summary. It was very interesting that as an Elementary teacher in his first year, he learned a whole lot not just about teaching, but how to read his students. I thought his explanation of the students and what to expect as a first year teacher was very helpful to me. Going into teaching the kids of our future without any kind of experience is very frightening to me as a person. After reading Mr. McClung's blog, I now have a bit more understanding of what to expect as a first time teacher.
After reading the Wired story and also listening to the NPR podcast, I'm not sure if Wikipedia can be trusted at all. This is shocking to me that any ting can be edited on Wikipedia and companies are doing just that. I really believe that Wikipedia will never be able to be a reliable source unless it can't be edited. Wikipedia is not something I often use but I do reference to it when I'm needing to find information on certain topics. Now that I learned this breaking news about Wikipedia, I probably wouldn't be using it without questioning if the entries are true facts.
This Did You Know 4.0 is pretty much like Did You Know 3.0. They were both based on technology in our society today. It revealed statistics of our generation using technology in their everyday lives. It was quite interesting to know that newspaper sales have rapidly dropped, or for that matter, any hard copy of reading items. Another interesting fact is that more videos have been downloaded vs the amount of news airing since 1965. Technology is our future and this is what we must accept.
Randy Pausch had a lot of interesting ideas in his lecture. He was diagnosed with cancer and did not have very long to live. He said to him self, if he could do his last lecture before he died, what would he talk about. Mr. Pausch basically talked about his childhood dreams. Dream, dream, Dream, it's ok. Randy had a list of childhood dreams that he accomplished in different ways.
Randy went on to saying, "it's not about the cards you're dealt, it's how you play them." I thought this was very interesting because this statement holds true for everyday life in general. Everyone's faced with obstacles in their lives and they have to find ways to overcome those challenges. He also mentioned that anything is possible. This is what we tell our kids when they are younger, but I think as an adult, we need to hear this in order to remember it.
I really liked that Randy stressed on having fun. He said that even though he's dying, he'll have fun till the end. He said to have fun while working hard to accomplish your goals. Don't ever let anyone bring you down. Never give up on your dreams. Even if you don't accomplish them, you will learn something from doing so.
Although the video was a bit lengthy, it definitely captured my attention. This video can be a life lesson for anyone. It really made me think about my life somewhat differently. Randy mentioned in the video to always listen to your critics feedback and use it. I liked this because we as humans tend to get mad when someone is telling us that we're doing something wrong, but in all actuality, they are helping us become good at that something. Randy said to find the best in everybody and this is something I will try to remember. Overall, I really enjoyed all the advices of Randy Pausch's lecture. This is definitely a life lesson in a short amount of time.
WOW! This post by Mr. Fisch was very extreme. I must say that I really enjoyed his comments. I really enjoyed the comment that technology should be used as a tool to help expand children knowledge. To be honest, Mr. Fish's post was very entertaining and funny. It was very enjoyable to read and easy to grasp his viewpoint. I never really thought about technology as being as important as reading until I read this post.
In becoming a teacher, I find myself not technical enough. I do believe that a lot of learning needs to take place. I'm definitely looking forward in shaping up my technology skills. It will be rather embarrassing if my students know more than me when it comes to technology. I would much rather make them proud that they could learn about computer from their teacher. I wouldn't mind learning from them too. It never hurts to have an open mind about learning new things.
I really enjoyed the post by Kelly Hines, "It's Not About the Technology". I thought that Mrs. Hines made some good points but I do have to disagree with it not being about the technology. Our society is changing daily and it's becoming more and more about the technology. As I mentioned in previous post to my blog, one must have at least basic computer skills in order for an employer to even consider interviewing the individual. I absolutely agree that teacher must be learners. Teachers have to understand if they want students to learn, they too must be willing to learn. Part of being a teacher has a cycle of never ending learning. If someone's seeking a teaching degree and does not like learning, they might as well change careers.
Overall, I enjoyed Mrs. Hines point of view. I understand that she didn't jump on the band wagon like every one else agreeing that technology is our future. I do believe that technology can sometimes take away from a child's own creativity and do the thinking for them. But I do also believe that young children are fast learners and teachers can benefit form their students by actually learning a few things about technology from them. In conclusion, I believe that teachers need to adapt to technology because it is our future. They do not need to base everything they do in the classroom around technology, however, what they do need to do is include it as part of the curriculum.
This movie somewhat captures my college experience. I graduated from high school in 2000 and got my A.A. degree soon after. I then went to a technical school where I obtained my x-ray license. After that, I went into the work field and then decided to continue my education in 2009. I currently work full time and taking 9 hours of college credit. I work during the day and go to school at night.
I find it very difficult to pay attention at school because of being extremely tired from work. As in the video, I definitely do not read as much as I need for my classes. Studying is not at the top of my priority list. I sometimes think sleep is more important than dedicating more time for homework and studying. All in all, I thought this video represented me at least 80%.
I thought this video was very cute. A young child named Harry played the host in the video. The topic he talked about was on technology. Harry spoke about the way classrooms used to be versus today. Technology is incorporated in our everyday lives and is becoming more evident in our classrooms. Children now has to familiarize themselves more with the internet due to the fact that teachers are encouraging students to do research online to help with school projects.
Harry talked about how excessive the internet is. He also spoke about digital being our future. One could take a picture and then upload it to the internet within minutes. This is exactly the way our society is becoming. If you're not computer literate, it's much more difficult to find jobs. Employers are seeking individuals that are familiar with technology whether it pertains to the job or not. I really enjoyed this video. Harry did a wonderful job entertaining me the viewer.
After reviewing the material from Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog, I learned that these kids read very very well. I really enjoyed this podcast. There was a little girl who was the host of the show. She introduced each speaker one after another that explained a fact about ancient Rome. There were some very interesting facts about Roman architecture, Julius Caesar, gladiator, and Cleopatra. The background had music which complimented what the speaker described.
I think the children of this podcast did a fantastic job! I'm now thinking about using soft music in the background of my podcast. Sticking to facts about the topic would be best in my podcast. I think doing a podcast would introduce me to a different side of technology that can help me in the future. Looking forward to this assignment.
While viewing the podcast, I thought I to be a little on the boring side. There were 4 students and 1 professor that were sitting around a table with notes in front of them. The topic was about why should teachers be more tuned in with technology. The group basically went around the table and everyone gave their opinion about the topic. I thought this podcast to be very slow. I thought it was long and boring versus short and sweet.
More involvement with the audience would be more creative and interesting. Perhaps if some sort of charts were used and the students got out of their seats explaining the charts, this technique would grab someone's attention. My main goal in my podcast would be to keep my viewer awake. I would try to make it as interesting as possible, by using charts with examples of my topic, or something more involved instead of sitting around and speaking very slowly. Overall, this podcast was ok.
Just posting now because for some reason, I keep forgetting to post my regular 2 posts including my assignment. This class is a little over loading for me. I'm not really a technical person but I do enjoy learning.
When I first watched the podcast about SmartBoard, the first thing that came to my mind was confusion. It was sort of boring to listen to the two guys speak. I thought it was an interesting tool that can be utilize in the classroom for interaction between kids, however, most of my feed was blurry. All I did was pretty much listen to the guys speak. I somehow did manage to grab the concept of the style of teaching.
Ok, so I started to wonder what the professor wanted me to write about, so I figured he wanted an explanation of how podcasts were done? For me, I am definitely not a technology guru! I began by using one of my favorite tools, "GOOGLE". Go me! Found out that: "a podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that is released episodically and downloaded through web syndication". Now I need a translator.... :-)
I listened to the KidCast speaker. What I got from this is that kids should interact more with podcasting. If kids get more familiar with learning these new tools, this would benefit them in the near future. I want to say that this sounded like a streamed audio. After listening to EdTechtalk, I found it to be some kind of feed that sounded to be on the radio. I really seemed like a talk show on a radio station. There was a background echo that was able to recognize. Not too sure as to what exactly this conversation is feeding through. The guys on MacBreak spoke about spyke. I'm not too familiar with this term. What did I do? I googled it and found the definition: "Skype (pronounced /ˈskaɪp/) is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet" I found this series to be a little boring, they spoke about technology in a profound way.
"This Weed in Photography" is a some sort of talk show showcasing different digital cameras. They speak about the different lens, and techniques for the camera. It teaches the Photographer unique skills with the camera. This feed was extremely clear as far as voice. The were laughing a lot, but it didn't seem to be funny to me. Lastly, I listened to Teachers Teaching Teacher. On this show, there were experts speaking about google docs and such. The explained certain things about templates. The would then go into great detail about GOOGLE. This Podcast experience was very new to me. It shows how outdated I am when it comes to technology. This was definitely an eye opener to me and I look forward to learning more about technology in this class.
When I first saw this video "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts", my first reaction was very surprising. Vicki Davis incorporates new technology to her students through practice. This is a class I would love to have been in through high school in order to help me prepare for the technology of the future. The kids in Davis's classroom really seem to enjoy themselves. Davis allows hands on experience each and every day with her kids.
I think computer class should be a requirement regardless of ones major. It makes me wonder in 3-4 decades down the road if technology would take over the world. Would I need to sit behind the steering wheel of a car to drive? Or would I just need to push a button that automatically lets the computer in the car know where I want to go? Scary huh? Another question that comes to mind, would our children even need teachers?
The short video "The Importance of Creativity" was very unique to me. I really liked speaker Sir Ken Robinson's take on creativity. He stated that children are being taught only literacy at school but not creativity. Robinson believes that creativity should be just as important as literacy. He also mentioned that everyone is born an artist and one's creativity is slowly being taken away by the stressed importance of literacy vs creativity.
This was interesting to me because you really don't think about this type of situation. This is extremely serious, and I think we as soon to be educators should pay attention to this particular problem. I believe that our kids are creative in their own way and we as professionals should applaud their creativeness rather than turn them against it.
I must say, this video "Did You Know" was extremely interesting to me. It was surprising because I really didn't know most of the facts in the video. It's not something that people sit around discussing over lunch. You know it's existing but not of that rapid extent. Who would have guessed that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world and India has more honors kids than America has kids? This is crazy! wow! unbelievable! Can you say "wake up people". This is definitely an eye opener for me as an individual who will soon become a teacher. It makes me wonder if 20 years down the road kids would even need someone to teach them instead of a computer.
This video pretty much sates that technology is taking over our society. Our kids today will probably never experience the enjoyment of playing outside and having real fun with each other. They don't even need to use their imagination because computers will do it for them. Children will lack good communication skills with each other due to the fact that more time is spent in front of a computer rather than exploring their imagination with another person. All in all, in my opinion, technology has its greatness and also its faults.
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that gonna be doing my favorite thing tomorrow... FISHING! We're going on a charter fishing trip on Sunday out of Dauphin Island... It's a 6 hr trip.. Hope to catch some large keepers.... Wish me luck... :)
For starters, my name is Nicky Crystal Jittan. I am engaged to Richard Hughes. I moved to Alabama approx 3 1/2 years ago. I was born in the islands, Trinidad, moved to New York when I was 11, then Orlando one year later. I lived in Orlando with my family for 11 1/2 years then moved to Mobile. We do not have any kids and really don't plan to have any until we buy a boat. One hobby that's at the top of my list is FISHING! I love love love love love love love love to fish. Salt water fishing that is! It's my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. :-) Let's see, um mm, I graduated from high school in 2000. Went to school to become an x-ray technician. After x-ray school, I worked at a doctor's office in Florida. I like it a lot. I was actually about to return to school to get a degree in radiological tech. I decided to move to Mobile with my boyfriend instead. Um, I didn't continue in the x-ray field. And guess what? I even worked selling cars at Spring Hill Toyota. lol.. Isn't that funny or what? lol..... Anyways, approx one year ago, I decided that I wanted to make a difference in some one's life. Who would be better than kids? I thought to myself... That when I visioned teaching kids. I love kids that I can return.. Go figure! :-) Needless to say, this is why I started school at South... I like USA thus far, i guess... to be continued...............................................